Last Food in the Fridge Stew
This is an old recipe I scribbled down when I was living in a share house…
1 Shriveled Carrot
1/2 an onion
1 clove of garlic
The equivalent of 3 cloves of garlic in dried and mushed form
The dregs of 3 different types of pasta
1 tin of tomato
3 tomato ends
Soy sauce
A bunch of sausages from the freezer, courtesy the Dept. of Power and Water random outage
Dried basil, oregano and chille
Salt and pepper to taste
1 measure of Intestinal Fortitude
1 1/2 portions of Sense of Humor
After glaring at your flatmate for forgetting to buy any vegetables, straighten the carrot out as best as possible and peel away the black bits. Soak in cold water for a few minutes to give the carrot some backbone, then slice it and the onion, being sure to avoid any parts that are too mushy.
Fry them in oil until brown. Add the sausages and a splash of soy. When the sausages are well browned, slice them into bite sized bits and add everything else to a large pot.
Simmer like you’ve never simmered before, until everything has joined in union with everything else.
Serve with alcohol and SBS TV.
I did some great student cooking back when I was a student…no wait! π its amazing what you can do with a handful of condiments and a well stocked herb/spice cupboard π
Absolutely π
It can also help to cook extra Christmas puddings – I once lived for 2 weeks on nothing else… π